Brady Wynn’s Story
Brady Wynn’s story and all the emotions felt during those 166 days. This will be my last blog for a while. This has been very therapeutic for me and helped me heal tremendously. For those who read it, thank you. I couldn’t think of a better way to pause than with the story of the baby who made this entire thing possible.

How We Have Grown In 2024 + Update on Babies
A glimpse into 2024 at Brady Wynn Foundation.

Finding Your Rainbow
The road to your rainbow baby may be bumpy but it is so worth it. Here I describe all the big emotions that I experienced on my pregnancy after loss.

What NOT to say:
Why is it that the harsh things people say or do stick with us much more than all the amazing, supportive things they do? Remember the golden rule: If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. We would all be better human beings if we followed this.
If you know someone who has lost a child or has a child who was diagnosed with a life changing diagnosis or suffered a catastrophic accident here are some things that you can do and more specifically NOT do or say to help them along this journey. First, put yourself into their shoes. If you can’t even fathom their situation, be incredibly careful with your words. Sometimes there are no words and that’s ok. A simple arm squeeze, a hug, just saying I am so sorry, goes a really long way.

How to Find Gratitude Daily
Feeling grateful is such an amazing feeling, probably one of the absolute best emotions. It causes a sense of profound well-being that washes over us sending a message of all is well to our body. Practicing gratitude can be life changing, it has lasting effects from improving our mental health to boosting our relationships with others. It helps us notice the little things like the smell of coffee in the morning, or the sun shining through the window, a stranger holding the door for you. All of these little wins help strengthen your ability to notice the good.

It’s Not Your Fault
This blog is about forgiveness- forgiving yourself- and realizing this is not your fault. The “this” I am referring to is the untimely death of a loved one. The book I am going to reference the most in this blog shares a lot about the afterlife and death. She talks about death of a young child, death of a young partner by heart attack, she talks about suicide and the death of a teenager by overdose. If anyone has lost someone and felt any amount of guilt, felt there was something you could have done to change the outcome, this book, What’s your heaven, 7 lessons to heal the past and live fully now, by Rebecca Rosen, might be helpful for you.
I am very much aware that my blogs will not resonate with most people, we each have different beliefs and different ways of processing our trauma. I am going to share some books and helpful things that I used to dig myself out from the dark cloud of depression after suffering a horrible loss. I don’t expect everyone to find this helpful, but if I can help one person that’s all I need.

Finding Yourself After Loss
This blog post was written with the loss mama in mind, however, can be useful to anyone who has experienced life circumstances that caused your entire way of living, your entire world, yourself, to change. I do reference God so if that’s not your thing this may not be the blog for you. My spirituality helped tremendously on this journey. I am not a pusher of beliefs; you must find what works for you.

2023 Review and Baby Lexi’s Story
Where Brady Wynn Foundation has been in 2023, where we are going in 2024 and Baby Lexi’s story.

The Importance of Boundaries
A few quotes and personal experience about how boundaries can greatly impact your life and the ones around you.

How to Protect Yourself During the Holidays Following Loss
Here I share what I wish I knew going into my first holiday season after losing my Brady. Holidays after loss will always be different but you will find joy, laughter and even holiday cheer again, in your own way, in your own time.

Self-Care=Self-love and trying to beat the mom guilt
How to do self-care and not feel the mom guilt. Everyone needs to take care of themselves. Here I share my favorite forms of self-care.

They are ALWAYS With You
All about signs we get from our loved ones letting us know they are ok and watching over us.

The WHY Behind Brady Wynn Foundation
The best reason behind the Brady Wynn Foundation, some important common questions answered and a feature of the very first Brady Wynn Foundation infant, Garnet.

Who is Brady’s Mama
A look behind the scenes at Brady’s mama and how the Brady Wynn Foundation got it’s start.